Tuesday, 28 June 2011


65-0418E  Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word?
God permitted Israel to take a law in Exodus the 19th chapter, when grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrificed lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted. It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us: "Thy will be done; Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It, believe It. Don't try to find a way around It, just take It the way It is. So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect Divine will. He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will, but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will. 
62-0128A     A Paradox
It's strange that He chose a bunch of unlearned people, and sent them up there with a commission at Pentecost--not to go to some seminary, but to wait until they was endued with power from on high. If that man Peter, and John and them, wanted to preach and they were ignorant and unlearned, look like He'd said, "Boys, there's a fine school right over here. You go till you learn your ABC's. Then after you do that, you'll take your grammar school. Get it all, that through. Then you'll take four years of high school, then four years of college, and then about four or five years of Bible School. Then you can go out." But He said, "Wait in the city of Jerusalem, for I'm going to send the promise of the Father upon you. And then you'll be witnesses of Me (Luke 24:49), witnesses of Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." That's still His requirement.

Friday, 17 June 2011


53-0506  Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever
In the twenty years of research of the Bible, and talking with the Angel of the Lord, and the many things, I find here is two things: that is love and faith. If you love God, just purely unadulterated love, you've got to have faith in Him, it'll accompany faith every time. And when love and faith gets married, you ask what you want to, and you'll have it. When you know that your heavenly Father cannot tell you any lie, He's God. He can't lie. And then when you believe Him with all your heart, and you believe that what you ask for, you ask it with not for any selfish motive, but your right motive behind there is ask it for the glory of God, and believe without a shadow of doubt, that Your Father wouldn't lie to you, something's going to take place, when you get all the cockleburs out of the way, and just look right straight there to Calvary, and believe it with all your heart.

57-0306  God Keeps His Word #1
Mix up yourselves together, and have union revivals; get preachers who stays with God's Word, and not scattered about here. Read the Word. Some of you don't read the Word once a week. You ought to read chapter after chapter every day. Meditate; if you'd get your head out of them old magazines and things you're reading, and out of this old, so many papers, and so-called religious literature that oughtn't to never be on the market... That's just as bad as reading some of the other magazines, stuff that's false doctrine, and all kinds of dogma, and basing it upon the--on truth. Why, doctrine can't be based upon some experience. Doctrine is based on God's Word, not on experience. People can have experiences of everything.

61-0521   Show Us The Father
I love eagles, because God likens His children, His heritage, unto eagles. And God, Himself, calls Himself an eagle. He is Jehovah Eagle--papa eagle. We're His little eaglets. An eagle can fly higher than any other bird there is. If a hawk would try to follow him, he'd disintegrate in the air. So you try to impersonate Christianity, you just burst yourself open. That's all. Don't do you no good. Be a eagle. Be borned-again, nature changed; then you can walk up Jacob's ladder. Then you can climb to the highest spots to where all things are possible to them that believe. But you got to be an eagle, a believer. Don't try... The Hebrews when they crossed, as eagles, across the Red Sea, the assaying, following on, uncircumcised Egyptians tried to do so and lost their life. You cannot impersonate Christianity; you've got to be a Christian. That's right.

Sunday, 12 June 2011


65-0718M    Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God
Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else, but stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the throne. Live humble; live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let... And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongued fellow might come along and try to take you away from it. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God where he'd stood there and seen it? No, sir. No, we don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination; we don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice; we don't want no strife. We want God; and He is the Word.

Thursday, 9 June 2011


64-0306       A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now
God, and always in all times, has always give spiritual gifts to His people. That's how He's identified and known, by spiritual gifts. And when God sends a spiritual gift to His people, and that spiritual gift is rejected, then that people goes into the darkness of a chaos. Every time, through the ages, when God sends something to the people, a gift, and they turn it down, that people is rejected by God because it's rejected God's mercy. Oh, what a safety it would be tonight, how much greater it would be than all the bomb shelters and--and all the places we could think of, if this nation, which is called a Christian nation, could accept the gift of God that's been given to it: the great Holy Spirit poured out in this last days. And how that if this nation would accept That, it would be more safety than anything they could get into. But they turned It down, so there's nothing left but chaos and judgment.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


65-0718M   Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God
This was Moses speaking to Israel after he had been a-vindicated by God by a Pillar of Fire and knowed he was proven to be God's servant to lead them out. And before they went into the land, before they entered, Moses said, "Now, the words that I have spoken to you, I call heaven and earth to witness against you. If you add one thing to it or take one word from it, you'll not stay in the land where the Lord God gives you." So say I in the Name of Jesus Christ. Don't you add one thing. Don't take--put your own ideas in. You just say what is said on those tapes. You just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do. Don't add to It. He has ever, keeps His promise to us. Every promise that He has made He's kept it. Has He told you what would happen, and did it happen? I bring heavens and earth before you today in a challenge, has God ever said anything that He has not fulfilled and done exactly what He said He would do for us? Hasn't He done it just the way He said He would do it? That's exactly. So will He continue to do it. Just don't add to It. Don't take from It. Just believe It and walk humble before the Lord your God.

Friday, 3 June 2011

58-0301B The Great Commission
See, every lie has got a lot of truth in it. That's right. Now, if it's a real lie, just a right, what we call the black lie, or the little white lie... The little white lie is the real lie. You can see the big black lie, but it's that little white one that has got a whole... Like the one that the devil told Eve... See? Just one little thing off the cater, that's what the--our churches are listening to today. They're saying, "Oh, you're right in your principle of baptism; you're right in this; and you're right in that." But he fails to let you know you got to have love for that brother out there. Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him, the Kingdom of God, in the Presence of God.
63-0707E Communion
May I bring that a point: when we are judged by the Word, which is Christ, we're chastened. If we're doing wrong, we're not living up to this Word, we're chastened of the Lord. And when the Lord chastens us, that means corrects us, that we should not be condemned with the world. We are not of the world. We are different from the world, live a different life, a separated life. We're never to live the life of the world and be a Christian. We're to live a--a outstanding life, a different life. Not I don't mean in such social ranks, but I mean we're to live a life of genuine holiness that the fruits of the Spirit might be seen in us: of meekness, and gentleness, and patience, long-suffering, faith: the fruit of the Spirit.