Wednesday, 10 August 2011


62-0204   Communion
Now, our bodies need food and drink each day to survive, our physical body. If we don't take food each day and drink, then our body weakens. There's something in us that we must have food. One day's food will not last for the next day. You've got to have food each day to strengthen your mortal being. You can live over, but you're weaker. And the second day, you're still weaker. And the third day, you're getting tremendous weak. Well, that's what many times that we do in the spiritual realm. You see, each day we've got to commune with Christ. We've got to talk to Him each day. We've got to settle it with Him each day. Paul said, "I die each day. (See?) Each day, I die; yet I live, not me but Christ lives in me." So if your physical body needs food each day and drink each day to survive, your spiritual body needs spiritual Food and communion with the Lord each day to survive. Yes

56-0223      God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed
God doesn't make any difference between His children. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried or chastised. You get it? First be tried, or chastened, corrected, child trained, schooled, everyone not one exception, every son... Have you went through trials? Have you went through tribulation? Have you suffered persecution? Then you're endure these things, you are real children of God. But when you can't bear chastisement, when the rod comes down heavy, and you run off and back into the world, the Bible said you're illegitimate children and not the children of God. For when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he expects those things, and he loves those things. And the Bible said that the trials that come upon us, fiery trials, is more precious than gold to us. Think of it.


62-0204   Communion
Now, our bodies need food and drink each day to survive, our physical body. If we don't take food each day and drink, then our body weakens. There's something in us that we must have food. One day's food will not last for the next day. You've got to have food each day to strengthen your mortal being. You can live over, but you're weaker. And the second day, you're still weaker. And the third day, you're getting tremendous weak. Well, that's what many times that we do in the spiritual realm. You see, each day we've got to commune with Christ. We've got to talk to Him each day. We've got to settle it with Him each day. Paul said, "I die each day. (See?) Each day, I die; yet I live, not me but Christ lives in me." So if your physical body needs food each day and drink each day to survive, your spiritual body needs spiritual Food and communion with the Lord each day to survive. Yes

Sunday, 7 August 2011


55-1110   A Hidden Life In Christ
What a beautiful picture it is today of a consecrated life who, once enters into with Christ, dead to the things of the world, hid away with God, and the veil's dropped down around, and all the world's shut off. Then Christianity and religion becomes a pleasure to every believer. Today people just have enough religion to make them miserable, knowing that they ought to do this, their trying to escape hell. Well, if that's the way I felt about it, brother, I don't know what I would do. Oh, get in with Christ. Shut off from the things of the world, for, to commune with Him is a pleasure. It's beautiful. It's something that fills and satisfies the soul, something that gives you peace that passes all understanding. All the crosses become flying wings. All the burdens are chariot wheels. Oh, you can fly away.
56-0223   God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed
God doesn't make any difference between His children. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried or chastised. You get it? First be tried, or chastened, corrected, child trained, schooled, everyone not one exception, every son... Have you went through trials? Have you went through tribulation? Have you suffered persecution? Then you're endure these things, you are real children of God. But when you can't bear chastisement, when the rod comes down heavy, and you run off and back into the world, the Bible said you're illegitimate children and not the children of God. For when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he expects those things, and he loves those things. And the Bible said that the trials that come upon us, fiery trials, is more precious than gold to us. Think of it.
55-1110   A Hidden Life In Christ
What a beautiful picture it is today of a consecrated life who, once enters into with Christ, dead to the things of the world, hid away with God, and the veil's dropped down around, and all the world's shut off. Then Christianity and religion becomes a pleasure to every believer. Today people just have enough religion to make them miserable, knowing that they ought to do this, their trying to escape hell. Well, if that's the way I felt about it, brother, I don't know what I would do. Oh, get in with Christ. Shut off from the things of the world, for, to commune with Him is a pleasure. It's beautiful. It's something that fills and satisfies the soul, something that gives you peace that passes all understanding. All the crosses become flying wings. All the burdens are chariot wheels. Oh, you can fly away.
56-0223   God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed
God doesn't make any difference between His children. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried or chastised. You get it? First be tried, or chastened, corrected, child trained, schooled, everyone not one exception, every son... Have you went through trials? Have you went through tribulation? Have you suffered persecution? Then you're endure these things, you are real children of God. But when you can't bear chastisement, when the rod comes down heavy, and you run off and back into the world, the Bible said you're illegitimate children and not the children of God. For when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he expects those things, and he loves those things. And the Bible said that the trials that come upon us, fiery trials, is more precious than gold to us. Think of it.

Thursday, 4 August 2011


57-0623 Believe From The Heart
A man's work declares his character. Christ was God's work. And Christ declared God's character, His feeling for the sick, His longing for saving of souls, till even He gave His own life. God's work... God's character was declared in Christ. And if you can just empty your own intellectual thoughts out and give God the right of way, He can declare His character through the work of your yielding. Empty out; get the world, get your doubts out of the way. If you come to the altar to be prayed for, say, "I'll go up and see if I get healed," God can never declare His works. You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way and let Him fill you.