Friday, 30 September 2011


47-1123  The Children Of Israel
Now, friends, there's only one way in the world that you can be healed, and that's only faith in God. Now, no matter how much that God will permit me, by my own faith, to take the spirit from you, unless you go forth and believe God, and serve God, and trust God, it'll come right back to you again. Did not Jesus say, "Go and sin no more, or a worse thing than this will come upon you?" Don't never come in a prayer line unless you expecting to serve God the rest of your days. That's right. Always, don't never live a sinful life, because you'll be worse, way worse. God has promised that you will be worse off than you was at the first time.
DAILY BREAD == Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. [ JOHN 5:14]

Thursday, 29 September 2011


56-0218E  The Worst Sinner In The City
So few of professed Christians today in our land knows so little about God. Oh, they know all their religions, but to know God. Humbled Himself, and that's what makes Him great to me. That's what makes Him real to me is to think that He was willing to come down here and not be some great somebody, take some great name, or something like that. He made Himself humble and become a servant to all of them. That's my Lord Jesus. That's the One I love; that's the One, I'm--want to give my life entirely to serve Him, and to work for Him, and do everything I can to get people to look at Him, and believe Him, and love Him. He's lovely. He's precious. Becoming a footwasher, taking the towel and girded Himself and washed the disciples' feet, said, "Let him that's great among you be the servant of all." That was His example.
[Be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. I PETER 5:5]

63-0321  The Fourth Seal
God always deals with one individual. Two men's got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up. He's got to get one man completely surrendered and use that person. He searches for that person, but there will be one sometime, somebody who will listen to Him word by word. I don't care what anybody else says, they'll never move from it. That's right. They'll wait on, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and then--they won't move until then. He will be properly a-vindicated. You'll... Now, the outside world will hate it, but the elected seed, the predestinated seed, like there was in the days of Jesus, when that Light flashes, that seed will come to Life like that. They'll know it. It'll understand it. You won't have to say a word about it.
[He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. MATTHEW 10:41]

56-1207 Gifts
God dwelling in Christ used His voice to speak by. Jesus said in His miracle, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." Is that right? Saint John 5:19. Then He did not do nothing within Himself. No prophet ever did anything within himself, until first God showed what to do. What a mistake Moses made when he went out without the vision of God and smote down the Egyptian, thought he'd liberate them with his hands, because he thought he had a lot of faith and could do it, because he was called for the job. No matter how much you're called for the job, God has to do the leading. See? He failed of all of his schooling and his military mind and his training as a great Egyptian leader. But yet it failed, 'cause God had a program and we've got to work according to God's program. No matter what we do, how smart we are, we've got to humble ourselves and work according to God's program. Amen.
[What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. DEUT 12:32]

Monday, 26 September 2011


65-0718E  Spiritual Food In Due Season
We find out that when a man comes, sent from God, ordained of God with the true THUS SAITH THE LORD, the message and the messenger are one and the same. Because he is sent to represent THUS SAITH THE LORD, Word by Word, so he and his message is the same. A denominational man under denominational auspices, he and the church is the "one." A theologian under theology made by some denomination, he and his message are one: church of theology, a theologian. It's correctly. Then when a man comes with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and the Message is one. And when Elijah come with THUS SAITH THE LORD, he and his message became one. Just as Jesus, when He come, He was the Word, Saint John 1. So the Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing all the time.
As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. I KINGS 17:1

58-1005M  Hear His Voice
God has a new birth for you. But listen to His still small voice. Every one of you people who profess to be Christians, get yourself quiet before Him. Don't let the washing hinder. Don't let the work hinder. Don't let nothing hinder. Don't let nobody know what you're doing. Just go before Him. Get up in the woods somewhere. Get out on the side of the road. Go into the secret closet and close the door, when the kids gets at school. There get down on your knees. You've heard all kinds of voices everywhere. But just get down and stay there until those voices are silenced and you begin to lift up. It'll change you. It'll make you different like it did this little Samuel. It'll do something to you if you'll just do it. Now, it'll make you what you should be. It'll make you the kind of Christian that you ought to be.
Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth. I SAMUEL 3:9

Friday, 23 September 2011


55-0223  Job
God's working all things together for the good to them that love Him, and how can you lose? You just can't lose; there's no way of losing. The Church could just really find that out. If you could positionally find your place in Christ, then all these other things would just fade away like a shadow. Every one that cometh to God, that's true, must have the shadows, and temptations, and fears, and so forth, but just don't get all tore up about it. What's a little suffering for a little while, knowing that the glory of God will be revealed in the last days when Jesus comes, when we'll be made like unto Him? He's just working everything together. Did you know, maybe if you were sick, or something happened to you, that God might've had to do that just to bring you a little closer to Him? 

55-0224 Water From The Rock
And God has His program, and He will set you and place you in Christ, just where He thinks you'll work best for Him, if you'll just stay in your calling. Don't try to get somebody else's calling. Stay in your own calling. If you're a housewife, remain a housewife. Whatever God's called you to do, just remain there. He knows where to put His hand on you and use you. He had a little, old woman named Hannah, one time, little housewife. He knowed where to place her, what He was going to do with her. He had one named Mary, one time. Oh, my, He will just do with you whatever He wants to do, if you'll just let Him do it. Just be h-umble, submit yourself to Him, and walk on.

Sunday, 18 September 2011


58-0326  United Under One Head
You might be filled with a bunch of creeds. You might be filled with a bunch of denominations. But God don't want you filled with that. God made a place in there to put Himself in. God wants you to be filled with Himself. What takes place when you're filled with God? When you're filled with God, you're filled with the Holy Ghost, you're filled with power, you're filled with love, with joy, with peace, with longsuffering, with goodness, with meekness, with gentleness, with worship. You're filled with joy. David said, "My cup runneth over." And if David had a cup running over before the Holy Ghost come, what would it be now? You're filled with something.

Friday, 16 September 2011


57-0825M  Hebrews Chapter Two #1
God always bears witness. Your life will bear witness. I don't know what your testimony is, but your life speaks so loud, your voice can't be heard. What your--your living, your every day life will testify what you are. God bears witness. Yes, the Holy Spirit is a Seal, and a seal takes both sides of the paper. They see you standing here and see you when you go away, not only in church but at every day work. You're sealed on both sides: inside and outside. By the joy that you have and by the Life that you live, you're sealed in and outside. But you know you're saved, and the world knows you're saved by the life that you live, for God bears witness. Blessed be His Holy Name.
62-0711  Hear Ye Him
What do you think that God would do today when the Holy Spirit comes and tell Him that in our churches that we've accepted dogmas instead of His Word? What do you think, we accept creeds instead of Christ? What do you think He does when our--when He comes up and says that His daughters has all bobbed off their hair, wearing shorts, smoking cigarettes? That's the... The Bible said such can't enter. To misbelieve... You say, "It don't make any difference." Don't you let the devil tell you that. If God said so... Paul said in here in Galatians 1:8, "If a angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel than this that I have preached, let him be accursed." Why did it make so much difference? Even the little thing of Lot's wife even turning, looking over her shoulder, and turned to a pillar of salt. You've got to take the Word. There's a let down somewhere. You've got to get back to the Gospel, back to Christ, back to the living Word, not bypass it for some something this way. You've got to believe it.
64-0401  The Identified Christ Of All Ages
Jesus, our Lord, said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming." Watch. When the Son of man is being manifested, made known (Luke 17), when the Son of man in the last days is being revealed, the Son of man being revealed, this Gospel is identifying Him. As it was in the days of Lot... Look how they're doing now. Perverted nations (Oh, my.), look at the homosexuals, and look at what we got now. The church is a mess; the nation is a mess, and the whole thing... God's belching it up from the top--bottom of the earth. The whole thing is a mess geographically, and also in the material. The scene is set. Isn't it time for God to come back in human flesh, the Word that's sharper than a two-edged sword, and a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, to appear on the scene, to make Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? It's a promised Word that's been 'lotted for this day. We're living in this day, and God is here with us to manifest that and make it true.
61-0119E  Queen Of Sheba
If the first branch of the vine brought forth a Pentecostal church, every real branch out of that vine will bring forth another Pentecostal church. But we got a lot of grafted branches, and they bring forth after their kind. We got Methodist branch grafted into it, Baptist branch, Pentecostal branch, every other kind of branch. It bears its own fruit. You can take a orange tree and put a grapefruit in it. It'll live off the life of that tree, but it'll bear grapefruit. Put a lemon in there, it'll bear lemon, not an orange, yet it's living off of orange life. See, any citrus fruit... Any church professing to be Christian thrives off of the glory and praises of Christ. But it can't bear the fruit. It won't bear the Life of Christ until Christ puts forth that branch Himself. Then it'll--it'll write another Book of Acts behind it (that's right), because it is the acts of the Holy Spirit in the church. See? That's the way it is tonight, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
62-0621E   Confirmation And Evidence
Remember, a word is a thought expressed. God thought it. Then when He expressed it, it has to happen, for the world was framed by the Word of God. And things were made out of things that do not appear. It was God's Word. He thought it, and He spoke it, and it has to come to pass. It's a seed that's growing, and, marvelously, that has to bring forth its season. We can take His Word, and see that He promised in the last days that He'd draw this people out; and do the very same thing He did, like He did in the days of Sodom. And we look at it and see these things. We ought to take a hold of the promise of God, and come to Him, seeing that we've anchored our souls in this haven of rest.

Thursday, 8 September 2011


55-0312  The Seal Of The Christ
Some people come to church just for the emotional part. Some people come to church just to sing. Some people come in church just to enjoy the good singing, that's all right. Some people come to church, and join church just to hide their meanness, make themselves a little better name in the neighborhood. Some come to church sincerely, but don't never have a touch from God. But when God calls a man, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." And all that comes I will give him Everlasting Life, raise him up at the last day." Oh, I hope you see it. Brother, it's the work of the Holy Spirit revealing to the individual, not upon some emotion, not upon something you should do, or shouldn't do, or this, that, or the other. All those things are all right, the moves and works, and shouting and dancing, and speaking in tongues; all those things are all right. But the first thing, it has to be a spiritual revelation that God has give the individual, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, calling. That's right. Without that, brother, you're only impersonating, only pretending. 

64-0312   When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him
The atomic bombs and missiles and things, when the whole world... The comedians on television and radio, and things, are whistling and singing it, cracking dirty jokes, and saying curse words, and awful things that should not even be allowed. And the whole magazines and things are plastered full of naked, immoral women, and everything, trying to appease the mind, trying to quieten you. It reminds me of a little boy whistling in the dark going through the graveyard, trying to make himself think he's not afraid. You're scared to death, and you know it. You know you're in for judgment, and it's coming, because you've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and you've turned down the resurrected Jesus Christ. Exactly. Their eyes are closed, they don't know it. Sodom and Gomorrah. 

59-0609  What Hearest Thou Elijah?
And if you know that you ought to be borned again, and filled with the Holy Ghost, and have an experience like they had on the day of Pentecost, and you let some church creed hide you behind something that you know is the truth, don't you expect God to ever answer your prayer. He won't do it. That's right. "My church don't speak, and my church don't..." I don't care what the church believes; it's what God said. You know that you got to be borned again, and you got to be Christ-like. And if you haven't got that experience yet, and all condemnation of the world and things gone from you; you get back in the cave or under the juniper tree right quick, and into the cave as hard as you can go, and listen and see what you can hear. You'll hear something more than a rushing wind. You'll hear something more than a sensation, or a Divine healing, or a blood, and fire, and smoke, or ever what they have, all these things going on, or a big church, or join this, or call a cult or something to join in, or some great organization; You'll hear a Voice that speaks to you. You hear God come down into that soul and make you confess everything, and go make it right.