62-0311 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought
man cannot sin until first he casts aside God's Word. He can't even sin (that's
disbelieve) until first he gets rid of the Word of God, the Presence of God; he
cannot sin. Eve could not sin, until she laid aside God's Word, opening up her
channel of reasons to her soul and begin to reason. "Why certainly, my husband's never told me these things, but I
believe that you... He told me I shouldn't do this, but you know, you make it
so real; it's so plain. I believe it would be wonderful, because you're making
it so plain to me." See? There was the first battle. And through that
battle has caused every other war and every bloodshed that ever come was caused
right there at Eden. She disbelieved God's Word. And if one little iota of
God's Word was disbelieve, caused all this trouble, how we going to get back,
disbelieving the Word? You can't do it.